Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Chronicles of Narco - Jan 3 2008 - In the Dark

For Narco's 14th battery charge we tried a bit of light and dark experimentation.
For setup I had just about all of the lights in the room off (the exception being the camera LCD screen and a tiny bit of light from the streetlight outside) and on, plus a decently-powered flashlight to work with.

The results? It looks like Pleo isn't programmed to care about light or dark at this point.

Here is the video:

Here are more paint wear pictures as well. Of particular note is the new picture of eyelid wear. Last night, after trying to get Narco to pick up an object, he roamed around quite a bit and got himself into a couple corners. It appears that he rubbed his eye against something that didn't quite agree with the paint. Compared to last night's picture, it's quite an eye-opener (pun intended) to see that much wear from letting him roam the room.

Thanks for stopping by!

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