Friday, December 28, 2007

The Chronicles of Narco - Dec 27 2007 - Color and Sound Testing/Experiments

Quite a lot of video in this update. It started with a post at's forum where someone asked what stimuli Pleo responds/reacts to. I replied with a post stating that, based on my documented experience with my own Pleo, they respond best to touch, then orientation (upside-down, etc...), then sound, then sight. There were a few replies after mine where others stated that their Pleos responded very well to colors (specifically red, blue and green) and sounds (following someone around when they call the Pleo's name).
I think Pleo SHOULD respond to these things and I was/am very eager to see my own Pleo, Narco, respond to colors and sounds like I've heard others report about. To that end, I set up an experiment in my living room last night and recorded my attempts to get Narco to react/respond to colors and sounds. What came of that is 35 videos of about 1 minute each.
All of the information you may want to know about the experiments is in my commentary audio within each video.
Here is a short summary:
1 - I printed some basic colors using a color laser printer on white paper, cut them out, and taped them to the white bottoms of some gift boxes.
2 - I lit the area with a halogen light (a photo studio light) and a 75Watt incandescent light, which were complemented by the two flourescent lights in the room.
3 - I set my camera on the floor so it would be stationary for the video.

My conclusion? Unfortunately, not favorable to the technical abilities of my Pleo to react/respond to color and/or sound.
If anyone has suggestions for other things to try, I'd be more than happy to try them and video them for documentation.

Here is the video in two playlists - one for the color testing and one for the sound testing.

For anyone following the skin wear of my Pleo, here is a picture for the 8th battery charge.

Thanks for stopping by, and feel free to comment!


Anonymous said...

Hey there, latinvixen from the aibo forums. I do like honest post like these to see what these critters can do. I can totally see very similar wear on mine at the moment but researching the kraton rubber to come up with a solution :)

I will keep my eye out on all your experiments, I will run some myself to see what Pleo does in my home.

Joe Young said...

Thanks for commenting!
I still really like Narco Pleo and enjoy playing with and interacting with him, but I'm finding quite a few shortcomings based on my own expectations.